


Welcome to the Daily Shaka. It's your daily source for surf blog goodness.

Newest posts are on the top. Scroll down to see all your favorites.

If you have a blog and your not on the site, please contact us so we can get you up. If you want yours taken off, please contact us as well.

Ed Lewis


Each few days we feature a new blog. The featured blog is picked from a perviously featured blogger as was their blog before them.

Jamie Watson Featured: Quality Peoples

"Quality Peoples inspired me from the start with its clean and creative design & layout, gorgeous photography and unpretentious words of enthusiasm, intelligence, goings on....about surfing, politics & art that inspires Ed Fladung.  Perhaps the biggest thing of all is that Ed left a nice life in L.A. to risk it all in Mexico, where he met the woman of his dreams, surfs a beautiful break, takes sublime photographs and now has a one-year old baby boy.  His life exudes happiness and he is a genuinely kind person whom I hope to meet in person one day."

Jamie Watson - Pineapple Luv

Caution: Following this site may cause happiness.

What we've been reading